Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your student uses a software program called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which your student and you can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the teacher, you and your student to share information about your student's progress in Accelerated Reader.
You can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection.
If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox, add to your address book.
The Birthday Book Program is designed to involve students and their families in the school library while expanding the library’s collection of books. Your child’s name, picture, and birthday will appear on a dedication plate placed in the book. The birthday book will be presented to your student during their class library visit or in their classroom toward the end of their birthday month. Your child will have two weeks to enjoy reading the book and after it is returned, the book will be added to our library collection for other students to enjoy.
To participate in this worthwhile program, please complete the form that will be sent home with your student at the beginning of the year. Return the form to Colony Oak as soon as possible with a book that you have purchased or return the form with $15.00 (check or cash) and our librarian will purchase a birthday book for your student.
Want more information about the books? Go to, where you can get a synopsis of each book, or maybe find a different one that sparks your interest!
Happy Reading......
Mrs. Maberry